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Тест на определение уровня Pre-intermediate или Intermediate

Аннотация к тесту:

Количество вопросов в тесте: 20.
Время выполнения теста: 20 минут.

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Вопрос №1

The blue jacket costs $50, the white jacket costs $70. The blue jacket is …… than the white one

  1. cheaper
  2. cheap
  3. less cheaper

Вопрос №2

I’d rather go out for dinner tonight than ……dinner at home.

  1. have
  2. having
  3. to have

Вопрос №3

My cousin …… his holidays with us next summer.

  1. is spending
  2. spends
  3. was spending

Вопрос №4

By this time next year, Jane …… Spanish for two years.

  1. is going to study
  2. will have been studying
  3. will be studying

Вопрос №5

Let’s go shopping, ……?

  1. let’s we
  2. shall we
  3. do we

Вопрос №6

Alice won’t be able to buy that car …… she saves some money.

  1. unless
  2. if
  3. as long as

Вопрос №7

Rachel …… be in hospital; I just talked to her and she said she was at home.

  1. mustn’t
  2. can’t
  3. won’t

Вопрос №8

Mary works …… a nurse at Pillby Hospital.

  1. such
  2. like
  3. as

Вопрос №9

John is soaking wet because he …… in the rain.

  1. has been walking
  2. will be walking
  3. had been walking

Вопрос №10

If you had studied harder, you …… the entrance exams.

  1. will have passed
  2. would have passed
  3. will be passing

Вопрос №11

I wish I …… at Mike; he’s not talking to me now.

  1. hadn’t shouted
  2. haven’t shouted
  3. didn’t shout

Вопрос №12

I don’t think there is …… bread left.

  1. some
  2. any
  3. no

Вопрос №13

…… he is rich, he never spends any money.

  1. Despite
  2. Although
  3. In spite of

Вопрос №14

Do you remember …… that film?

  1. see
  2. to see
  3. seeing

Вопрос №15

The authorities …… rebuilding the houses.

  1. are
  2. are being
  3. been

Вопрос №16

Dogs are very loyal pets. ……, they can guard your property.

  1. Because
  2. Even though
  3. What is more

Вопрос №17

It’s no use …… the hedges cut until next month.

  1. have to
  2. have
  3. having

Вопрос №18

Her hair is not …… Catherine’s.

  1. so long
  2. as long as
  3. long as

Вопрос №19

I’m not sure …… David lives.

  1. where
  2. in which
  3. that

Вопрос №20

You …… me!

  1. criticise always
  2. are always criticising
  3. always are criticising

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